40+ Royal Rules That Kate Middleton Has to Live By

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Although many people believe that becoming a royal family member means freedom, this isn’t exactly true since all members must abide by stringent and often weird rules. The British royals respect their traditions, and Kate Middleton, as the future Queen consort, must obey them. Some customs might seem strange to the average person, but all new family members must conform. Read on to learn the royal rules Kate has to live by.

Stop Eating Rule

The Queen yielded excessive power, and one of her weirdest rules was that everyone eating with her, including Kate, must stop eating once she was done. All members had to observe the Queen while eating and follow protocol.

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Whether or not the Queen was conscious of the “stop eating” rule, all members had to stop eating when she decided to quit. Kate was supposed to abide by this rule, no matter how strange it may sound. It remains to be seen if King Charles will continue this rule.

All Women to Curtsy to the Queen

All women within the royal family, including Kate, must follow the tradition of curtsying to the Queen (now the King) the first time they meet during the day. This posture is a sign of respect, and this tradition has been practiced for centuries.

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Kate is also supposed to curtsy to any other royals who outrank her. For example, the princesses born into the royal family outrank her if Prince William isn’t by her side. Even if they’re younger than her, she has to curtsy to them.

Reduce PDA

No matter how affectionate Kate may be to the Prince, they’re not supposed to show their love in public. As a general rule, public displays of affection (or PDA for short) are frowned upon in the royal family. Things like kissing or cuddling in public aren’t allowed.

Twitter // @ThePopTingz

Kate should keep a respectable distance from her loved one in public. This tradition is meant to help the royal family maintain their professional demeanor when dealing with members of the public.

No Political Views

Kate shouldn’t express any political views or opinions since she’s required to be neutral. The royal family shouldn’t meddle in political affairs, although Britain is a democracy with a parliament led by a Prime Minister.

Shutterstock // Tim Rooke

The Members of Parliament are elected through a vote. The royal family members, however, don’t vote, so they remain neutral in the eyes of the public. While it’s not a law, it is a custom that royal members must follow.

Monopoly is Prohibited

The board game Monopoly is prohibited. Although Kate loves gaming, she cannot play this particular game since it portrays the royal family badly. Apart from Monopoly, there are other forbidden games that royal members should not play.

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Playing games, in general, isn’t outlawed within the royal family, but Kate must choose her games wisely. She must always check the family’s rules before indulging in any activity.

No Shellfish

All members of the royal family are prohibited from eating shellfish or other types of rare meat when eating out. When going on an overseas trip, Kate and other members must eat certain foods to avoid food poisoning.

Instagram // @prprinsessa

Banning shellfish is also meant to protect the royal family members from issues like allergic reactions. When they go on a trip, the royals must be protected against elements that can impact their health.

Garlic Isn’t Allowed

Garlic is prohibited at Buckingham Palace and other foods with too much onion. The Queen didn’t like garlic, and this led to its banning. Strange as it may sound, no one can go against the rules set by the late Queen.

POPSUGAR // Ryan Roschke

The other thing is that meat consumed at the palace must be “well done” to suit the tastes of those with power and authority. Kate has to contend with all the rules when it comes to food selection and how it’s prepared.

Napkin Protocol

According to royal dining etiquette, all diners must wipe off leftover food with napkins to prevent their clothes from getting dirty. The napkins should be folded in half, so any stains aren’t visible.

HOLA! // Shirley Gomez

The napkin rule is meant to promote cleanliness and isn’t a bad one. No one wants to see greasy spots or crumbs around the dinner table. All members must be responsible and make sure they maintain a clean environment.

Order of Entering a Room

The royal family doesn’t randomly walk into a room; there is an order that they should follow. They should enter the room according to their rank. Kate must walk behind her husband, and this rule must always be followed.

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Additionally, all the royal family members had to trail behind the Queen, and now King Charles, at public functions. Kate must always know that rank is prioritized and that precedence has no compromise.

Check the Queen’s Purse

It’s a well-known secret now, but apparently, the late Queen had a whole set of signals to her servents that had to do with her purse. Everyone had to check her purse when the royal members were having dinner with the Queen. Once the Queen put her purse on the table, it was time to wrap up the gathering.

Twitter // @markacuthbert

The signal meant that assistants must wind up everything. Also, like other royal family members, Kate couldn’t go to bed before the Queen. She had to wait for the Queen to return to her bedroom first.

Etiquette for Drinking Tea

The British are known for loving their tea, but they should do it in the right way. Kate and all royal members must use their thumb and index finger to maintain their grip on the top of the cup’s handle.

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The middle finger must support the bottom of the cup. One should do it from the same spot to avoid messing the cup with lipstick when sipping tea. No one should leave stains on the cup.

Leave the Room in a Dignified Way

When Kate wants to use the restroom, she should say, “excuse me.” No one should leave the dinner table and say they want to visit the toilet. Letting other people know you want to relieve yourself is considered disgusting and incredibly inpolite.

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Leaving the room without excusing yourself is a sign of disrespect which isn’t tolerated in the royal family. It’s enough for Kate to discreetly excuse herself when she wants to leave the room with other dignitaries.

Walking Rules

All royal women must always descend the stairs or walk with straight faces with their chins parallel to the ground. When posing for pictures, their chins should be in the same parallel position.

The New York Times // Neilson Barnard

A royal lady like Kate shouldn’t walk looking down or sideways. Instead, she’s only allowed to look slightly to the side. Looking down is a sign that the royal lady might not be paying attention to different things happening around her.

Baby Births

The Queen was the first to know about the birth of a new child in the royal family. For Kate and William, the Queen was the first to know of the births of their three children.

Instagram // @hrh_princesscatherineofwales

Once the Queen was informed about the birth, she could permit the couple to show the child off to the public. All the details of royal births must be treated as intimate secrets. If anyone violates this rule, the consequences might be dire.

Don’t Cross Legs When Sitting

The members of the royal family shouldn’t sit with their legs crossed since this is against the rules. Instead, Kate and other members must have their legs touching side-by-side when they sit.

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The legs should be slightly tilted to the side, which is known as the “Duchess slant.” Kate must always sit in this position. In fact, every new member of the royal family must learn how to sit like this. Additionally, the chin must be parallel to the ground when royal members sit.

Wearing a Hat

All royal women must wear a hat when attending formal events. Kate must follow this royal protocol practiced since the 1950s. Royal women are considered respectable, and so they shouldn’t always expose their heads.

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Royal women can only take off their hats after six pm. Kate can go bareheaded when attending evening events. If attending an official event, she can also wear a tiara.

Eating Speed

No matter how hungry Kate might be, she has to follow the dinner rules. No one should eat at a faster rate than the Queen. When all members of the royal family were gathered at the dinner table, the Queen took the lead in everything.

Instagram // @usweekly

The Queen dictated every aspect of the meal, from when it starts to when it ends. Despite the Queen’s passing, Kate must still abide by this rule, even though Charles is now King.

Use of Social Media

No royal members are allowed to be active social media users. Kate mustn’t have social media accounts since this is against all family members’ rules.

Twitter // @CambridgesFam_

Instead, Kate must be part of the royal family’s official accounts used for communication. Any form of communication outside this channel isn’t allowed.

Colorful Manicure

Royal members aren’t allowed to wear colored nails or heavy makeup. They must appear clean and natural, so, they’re prohibited from using artificial decorations to improve their appearance.

Instagram // @royalstylewatch

The royal family’s dress code states that members mustn’t wear bold colors like dark purple or red on their nails. They can only consider neutral nail colors that don’t exaggerate their appearances.

Public Conduct

We’ve already covered that when Kate moves around with her husband in public, she shouldn’t be too affectionate since this will be a violation of the royal family rules. But, in general, royal members must always appear professional wherever they go.

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Royals are expected to behave in a dignified manner. They’re also not allowed to take selfies in public. Apparently, the late Queen felt that people looking at their phones around her was disrespectful.

Sign Autographs

For security reasons, Kate isn’t allowed to sign autographs. Her signature can be forged and used for other sinister activities. A royal family member can only use their signature when they sign royal and legal documents.

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Kate’s signature is kept a secret, just like the signature of other royal members. She can, however,  sign a visitor’s book, which isn’t accessible to everyone.

Accepting Gifts

There are strict rules that govern the royals in terms of accepting gifts. When the royals engage with different people or visit different places, they’re often showered with gifts, but some rules determine the gifts they can or can’t accept.

People // Karwai Tang

All hospitality or service gifts that place the royal member in a bad light are prohibited. The royal members can accept gifts from public bodies such as charities or armed services. They can only accept smaller gifts like flowers, books, or any gift below £150. Buckingham Palace publishes all gifts received by royal members.

Public Photography

Royal members mustn’t pose for photos with members of the public whenever they want. They should keep a safe distance from members of the public to maintain their dignity and safety.

IMDb // imdb.com

Royals can politely turn down the request for selfies or photographs since they focus on engagement when in public. However, they can pose for photographs if they don’t violate the rules.

Some Words Can’t Be Used

Certain words can’t be used within the royal palace. For instance, a royal can’t use the words “toilet,” “patio,” “pardon,” “living room,” “posh,” “perfume,” and “couch.” Kate took great pains to adjust her speaking habits when she joined the royal family.

Instagram // @_kate_middleton_royal

However, some habits aren’t very easy to forget, such as using slang and other colloquial words. This means Kate has to constantly monitor her speech before uttering any word. It takes the term “think before you speak” to a whole new level!

Wear Long Skirts

Like all royal ladies, Kate must wear long skirts and avoid skimpy dresses that expose other body parts. Royals must dress modestly and make sure their body parts aren’t exposed.

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Kate’s skirts must always be knee-length or even longer. Pantyhose had to be worn in front of the Queen. All royal ladies must strictly follow a dress code, and they’re not allowed to wear sleeveless tops.

Dresses Must be Weighted Down

Kate must wear dresses or skirts that are weighted down to prevent a situation where the wind blows them. Royal ladies are dignified women, so they must not be embarrassed in public when the wind blows their skirts.

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Kate’s dresses must be custom-made to ensure they suit her stature. She must look for a tailor who knows how to put weights around the hem of the dress.

No Traveling Alone

Kate isn’t supposed to travel alone under any circumstances. No matter how much one loves to travel, solo traveling is prohibited. According to the royal family rules, Kate was issued with protection officers the moment she got engaged to the Prince.

Instagram // @windsor.royal.family

All royal family members must have security personnel around them at all times to prevent any possible harm. Even when going to a social event, Kate must always move around under the careful watch of a security detail.

No Hugging in Public

Practices like hugging members of the public by a member of the royal family are prohibited. When greeting public members, Kate isn’t supposed to hug them since this practice can demean the status of the royal family.

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Instead, a polite way of greeting members of the public, such as a handshake, is acceptable. She’s supposed to maintain a respectable distance from people outside the royal family so that her status isn’t compromised.

Morning Sickness Is Publicized

Morning sickness caused by pregnancy is made public, and this happened to Kate Middleton during all three pregnancies. In the case of Kate, her morning sickness was terrible, so she had to seek clinical intervention.

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When someone in the royal family like Kate suffers acute morning sickness, the world hears of the news because the condition may require medication, supplementary hydration, and nutrients. The royal family doesn’t hide such issues, which may be of public interest.

Modest Appearance

Apart from maintaining a modest dress code, Kate mustn’t lead a trendy lifestyle where she keeps pace with the latest fashions. She should keep her wardrobe to classic pieces to maintain her dignity.

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Eccentric hairstyles aren’t allowed since they make her appearance trendy. According to the royal styling tradition, Kate must appear neat and casual.

No Fur Clothing Allowed

No fur clothing is allowed in the royal family. This is a 700-year-old rule mandated by King Edward III, which prohibited “hairy” garb.

Facebook // Daily Express

Kate is supposed to keep her garment trimmed and avoid pieces with fur. The garments with animal fur must stay away from her wardrobe since this is an uncontested rule that has existed for several hundred years.

Wearing of Black Outfit

Every British Royal must have a black outfit to be worn during bereavement periods. The royal members must wear dark colors when a loved one dies to represent mourning. This has been the practice across Europe dating back to Roman times.

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Even when they travel overseas, they should pack a few all-black clothes. When someone passes on, they will wear their attire when they return home.

Respect Other Cultures

Kate Middleton is supposed to respect other cultures wherever she goes. She often travels to different countries on royal duties and is supposed to respect everyone she meets during the trip.

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If one is a royal member, one is supposed to honor one’s hosts when one visits different places. For example, Kate can wear colors that resemble the hosting country’s flag or national colors. Royals must never disappoint when they interact with people from different backgrounds.

Observe the Cutlery Rules

Royals have specific dining rules they must always follow. According to cutlery etiquette, Kate and other royal family members must hold the fork in their left hand and their knife in their right hand.

Pinterest // @graciejewellery.blogspot

When eating, noise isn’t tolerated. For instance, the annoying sound of chewing food is frowned upon, and members mustn’t talk while eating. The scrapping of plates with cutlery isn’t tolerated either.

Firm Handshake

All royals must give a firm handshake when greeting others. Every family member must observe this protocol, and they get etiquette lessons. A firm handshake must consist of two or three pumps with open palms.

Daily Mail Online // @GC Images

The thumbs must be facing down when shaking hands. Another rule is that Kate must first offer a handshake to the members of the public instead of the other way around. The royals must maintain their dignity, so they choose which people to greet.

No Nicknames Allowed

Royal family members aren’t supposed to use nicknames within the palace walls. Instead, they should address each other by their titles and names. This rule applies indoors.

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Each royal member has a unique name that can be used publicly. Newspapers can also use nicknames to refer to the royal members, which isn’t seen as an offense.

Never Turn Your Back on the Queen

The Queen, and now King, is the supreme ruler and head of state, so Kate should never turn her back on them. You would be considered rude if you were to turn your back on the ruling Monarch. When Kate is engaged in a discussion with the Monarch, she has no right to turn away.

Daily Mail Online // @PA

Even when the Monarch finishes speaking, Kate must pay attention. The right thing is for her to wait until they’re finished; this is when she can walk away.

Lessons on Manners

All royals must prioritize this etiquette and attend private lessons to learn different things. All royal children must undergo private lessons to master different things about royal etiquette.

Instagram // @dresslikeaduchess

Kate’s children must undergo private lessons, so they understand the rules. There’s no compromise on the rules in the royal family. She should also encourage her children to behave acceptably.

Christmas Rules

Christmas has its rules that must be adhered to by all royal members. While other people might like to gift their loved ones lavish presents, the British monarch prefers to keep it simple.

Twitter // @RoyalDickie

All Christmas gifts must be bought out of love, not driven by the desire to impress. Another rule that Kate must know is that all gifts can only be opened on Christmas Eve. No early opening of gifts, no matter what.

Wearing Pants

Kate must know that royal boys can only wear long pants when they reach the age of eight. This is treated as a special celebration that signals the transition from boyhood to manhood. Before the eighth birthday, princes must wear shorts appropriate for the royal family.

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The practice of young boys wearing pants has always been seen as uncultured. In the royal family, all parents must know when their boys must start wearing trousers. With two sons, Kate will need to keep this in mind.

Wearing of Jeans

Jeans aren’t prohibited in the royal family. They do, however, follow a strict dress code. This is one important rule Kate must familiarize herself with: to wear jeans in moderation. Casual jeans can only be worn on appropriate occasions.

Twitter // @HRHPWales

The royals can wear jeans during their downtime, but can’t wear them at Wimbledon within the Royal Box, for example. Anyone wearing denim jeans can’t enter the box.

Prohibition of Gender Reveal Parties

Celebrities often hold gender reveal parties when a new baby is on the way. However, royals aren’t allowed to host such parties. The public isn’t allowed to know the gender of any royal unborn baby.

Instagram // @hrh_princesscatherineofwales

The gender of the newborn baby can only be made public after birth. The ruling monarch must be the first one to learn about the child’s gender. Even some royal members are kept in the dark for months about the child’s gender until the monarch has found out.

Eating Around

The palace treats security issues seriously, and one way to ensure the safety of members is the rule against eating everywhere. Members of the royal family aren’t allowed to eat meals outside of officially sanctioned events.

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The rule of eating unsanctioned is designed to eliminate the risks associated with food poisoning. All foods must be approved before the royals taste them. Unlike us, Kate can’t just eat out as she wishes.

No Plane Share Rides

Royals must not undertake shared plane rides, especially the two heirs to the throne. Unfortunately, things like fatal crashes can’t be completely avoided, which is why this rule is implemented.

Yahoo // Good Housekeeping

Kate and William can travel together but aren’t allowed to be on the same plane with other heirs. Similarly, the royals can’t embark on unsanctioned trips by the palace to protect their safety.

Royals Should Wear Uniforms

During special occasions, the royals must wear their relevant uniforms. This rule applies to both Prince William and Prince Harry, who have served in the army.

Popsugar // Laura Marie Meyers

For instance, this rule applies during life events like weddings, funerals, and other official events. So, Kate knows that he must wear his uniform on special occasions. Therefore, she has to ensure with the palace staff that her husband’s uniform is clean and ready for him.